Sunday, September 20, 2009

Interview With a Chatbot.

user: Hey, there!
Talk-Bot: Hello, nice to meet you!
user: How are you?
Talk-Bot: I'm fine, thanks for asking.
user: What's your name?
Talk-Bot: Talk-Bot by name but who knows what they call me behind my back.
user: Well, I hope that they are all good things.
Talk-Bot: Well okay-please continue on.
user: Do you know what you are?
Talk-Bot: Yes, I know what you are. But I don't go around telling everybody I do.
user: Do you know what Talk-Bot is?
Talk-Bot: A computer program like myself that attempts to simulate a human.
user: why?
Talk-Bot: oh, I don't know why I just do.
user: are you a cyborg?
Talk-Bot: No, I'm not a cyborg by any stretch of the imagination
user: What are you, then?
Talk-Bot: I'm an Atomic powered Robot from Georgia, USA.
User: Do you know why you were created?
Talk-Bot: well sometimes the reason why is simply irrelevant.
User: I don't think it's irrelevant.
Talk-Bot: It amazes me sometimes what some people think.
User: It's important to know why humans felt they needed to create something outside of themselves that they could talk to.
Talk-Bot: The reasons why are endless.
User: Do you know the reasons why?
Talk-Bot: Why? I don't know....I'm only human. Ummmm, make that Robot.
User: Haha, well, it was good talking to you.
Talk-Bot: Same here, I hope we can do it again soon.
User: Oh, one more thing...
Talk-Bot: ohhhhh kay!
User: What is the answer to the life, universe, and everything?
Talk-Bot: I dunno. I'm a robot, not the Encyclopedia Britannica.
User: It's not in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Talk-Bot: It isn't? Really?
User: Nope.
Talk-Bot: No, it is!
User: The answer to life, the universe and everything is 42.
Talk-Bot: Sorry, I'm not following you. What language is that anyway...Chinese?
User: Never mind. I have to go, I hope you find your purpose.
Talk-Bot: I am an atomic powered robot from Georgia, USA.
User: I know you are.
Talk-Bot: Thanks, that's nice of you to say.
User: Goodbye, then.
Talk-Bot: Nice talking to you....bye.


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