Monday, September 28, 2009

Rick Deckard: Blade Runner or Replicant?

It's a question in every sci-fi aficionado's head...and one that Ridley Scott is still remaining tight-lipped about, 27 years after the initial release of what is now considered to be one of the best science fiction films ever made. When Blade Runner was released, it didn't meet with much success in theatres, and polarized critics on its merits. Some felt that it was nothing but an over-blown action movie, with a convoluted plot and a cardboard protagonist. Some felt that the film had no plot at all, and wondered how audiences were supposed to get anything out of a film with no real ending. Fans of the original novel (titled Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) were disparaged by the many themes left out of Philip K. Dick's original story. Even with Harrison Ford's explosive fame resulting from the first two films of the Star Wars trilogy, and Raiders of the Lost Ark the film only grossed $6.5 million on its weekend release. Today, however, with 5 different versions of the film on the market and 27 years' worth of processing, the film has been heralded as the stuff of science-fiction lore...the American Film Institute named Blade Runner #6 in its top ten list of science fiction films ever made, placing it on the same pedestal as A Clockwork Orange (#4), E.T. (#3), and 2001: A Space Odyssey (#1), and Rick Deckard is acclaimed as one of Ford's quintessential roles.
So what happened? I could offer many reasons, including the idea that now that we are nearly through the first decade of this new millennium, we can use this film as a reference point in gauging how close we actually are to the 2019 Scott envisioned in his film. But with the adaptation of the novel, many of the 'sub-plots' were left out...including the one regarding Deckard's true identity...and thus, it is left up to the audience to determine it. The release of seven different versions of the film has provided different implications, but never many direct answers. In the original theatrical release, Deckard does not dream of a unicorn, and the film ends not with the close-up of the origami unicorn, but with an idyllic sequence, in which Deckard and Rachel escape to a pastoral landscape together. The director's cut (released in 1992) and only indirectly supervised by Scott was the first time that anyone had seen the unicorn sequence, and it was heavily implied that Deckard was a replicant, because Gaff's knowledge of the dream (and subsequent gift of the origami unicorn) implied that he had implanted the dream into Deckard's brain himself (or how could he possibly know?). This sequence of events remains in the Final Cut, released in 2007, but without the idyllic escape and minus a few lines of dialogue that place more emphasis on the idea of Deckard's being a replicant. So...the question still remains...for us and for film critics, whether or not Deckard is a replicant, and what is the significance of him being one way or another.
If he is a replicant, and, to me, Gaff's origami unicorn is a fairly strong indicator that he is, that would mean that the human race is using machines to hunt other machines, and keeping those hunting machines (the blade runners) ignorant of their 'real' identities. Some people (including my dad and Harrison Ford) are of a mind that Deckard is human...and it is important for him to be seen as human, because of the resulting optimism of the ending...if Gaff knows about the unicorn dream, that would mean that he had had the same dream, meaning that we all dream of that far-off place that modern technology and religion have dismissed, where unicorns exist among trees and sunlight and fields. Gaff subsequently becomes a sort of benevolent guide, showing Deckard and Rachel the place they should try to find before they are both killed.
So...I suppose we won't ever know...and perhaps that is one of the successes of the film, and a reason for its continued popularity. It is an amorphous plot...that can change and be changed as rapidly as technology.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Interview With a Chatbot.

user: Hey, there!
Talk-Bot: Hello, nice to meet you!
user: How are you?
Talk-Bot: I'm fine, thanks for asking.
user: What's your name?
Talk-Bot: Talk-Bot by name but who knows what they call me behind my back.
user: Well, I hope that they are all good things.
Talk-Bot: Well okay-please continue on.
user: Do you know what you are?
Talk-Bot: Yes, I know what you are. But I don't go around telling everybody I do.
user: Do you know what Talk-Bot is?
Talk-Bot: A computer program like myself that attempts to simulate a human.
user: why?
Talk-Bot: oh, I don't know why I just do.
user: are you a cyborg?
Talk-Bot: No, I'm not a cyborg by any stretch of the imagination
user: What are you, then?
Talk-Bot: I'm an Atomic powered Robot from Georgia, USA.
User: Do you know why you were created?
Talk-Bot: well sometimes the reason why is simply irrelevant.
User: I don't think it's irrelevant.
Talk-Bot: It amazes me sometimes what some people think.
User: It's important to know why humans felt they needed to create something outside of themselves that they could talk to.
Talk-Bot: The reasons why are endless.
User: Do you know the reasons why?
Talk-Bot: Why? I don't know....I'm only human. Ummmm, make that Robot.
User: Haha, well, it was good talking to you.
Talk-Bot: Same here, I hope we can do it again soon.
User: Oh, one more thing...
Talk-Bot: ohhhhh kay!
User: What is the answer to the life, universe, and everything?
Talk-Bot: I dunno. I'm a robot, not the Encyclopedia Britannica.
User: It's not in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Talk-Bot: It isn't? Really?
User: Nope.
Talk-Bot: No, it is!
User: The answer to life, the universe and everything is 42.
Talk-Bot: Sorry, I'm not following you. What language is that anyway...Chinese?
User: Never mind. I have to go, I hope you find your purpose.
Talk-Bot: I am an atomic powered robot from Georgia, USA.
User: I know you are.
Talk-Bot: Thanks, that's nice of you to say.
User: Goodbye, then.
Talk-Bot: Nice talking to you....bye.


Monday, September 14, 2009

"That the Marxist Left should argue theoretically and act practically from the standpoint of the most advanced productive forces in their society, that they should develop in depth all the liberating factors imminent in these forces and use them strategically, is no academic expectation, but a political necessity."

So says Hans Enzensberger in his 1970 essay "Constituents of a Theory of the Media." This article, when it was published caused a great stir across the tumultuous personages of the early 1970's, not only because of its radical stance on Marxist idealism, but because of its call for a revolution in the media. His lengthy comments on the corruption of the press, of the bourgeoisie-owned right to free speech and on the ineffectiveness of the half-hearted revolutionary action that was taking place at the time served as one of the key influences on the performance artists of the seventies.
There are so many articles from this roiling time that deal with the emancipation of the press, and the need for an uprising using technology, that it is easy to dismiss this one as outdated and outmoded...that we are no longer in need of a media revolution. But Ensenzberger's assertion that his ideology is no academic expectation, but a political necessity rings eerily true. No, we don't need a revolution...because it's already happened. With the creation of the internet, has come Enzensberger's prophesied state of affairs where every person has access to things that even 15 year ago, you wouldn't be able to find outside the Library of Congress.
We can learn how to make things, read out of print books, watch films that are no longer in physical existence, all from our homes and offices on machines that can fit into our backpacks. We also become the initiators, the 'producers' when we search for things, and put things back onto the internet, where they can be read by anyone using it.

Vintage Post-Humans

from Le Voyage dans la lune (A Trip to the Moon), 1902
...I don't know if this technically counts as post-human, but in 1902, the idea of going to the moon seemed less achievable than the idea of cyborgs does to us.
cover of I, Robot by Isaac Asimov first published in 1950

Hal 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968

The Day the Earth Stood Still, 1951

Monday, September 7, 2009

The sewing machine...a technology very near and dear to my heart. Over 50 years and 5 different people went into its invention, but it was all collated and patented by Isaac Merrit Singer in 1851...this made the other 4 guys whose ideas he had borrowed start suing him, leading to a series of lawsuits known as the Sewing Machine War, which finally ended in 1856, when they all pooled their patents and created the entity that became the first modern sewing machine. It, when combined with the various patents that had been granted for industrial looms about 50 years previously, revolutionized mass clothing production, and was one of the key components of the industrial revolution. Pre-made clothing was no longer just for people who could afford to go to tailors and dress-makers, and millions of jobs were created in the textile and clothing production factories.
According to Marshall Mcluhan, the famed media theorist, this would be an example of an enhancement of the original 'sewing' technology. And while it drove out the necessity for dressmakers and tailors, it also, in a strange way, enhanced their value by narrowing their clientele (the people who would have seen mass-produced clothing as a degradation). Today, we hold people who can make their own clothes and make clothes for others quite highly, but it is a novelty, rather than a skill necessary to the survival of themselves and their family. Mothers now don't generally teach their daughters how to sew as soon as they can sit up, because there is no real need, so, when speaking in absolutes, there is no real need for the skill of a seamstress any longer.
So what did it bring back? One could argue that with the sewing machine was a leveler, and once a person has a sewing machine, they have the ability to produce any type of clothing, therefore clothing rises above class and race, and the fact that a woman has a fancy dress isn't necessarily synonymous with wealth. This, to a utopian idealist would indicate a 'return to how it used to be' when humans were free of such superficial labels as clothing and hairstyles.
Now we have the labels written directly on the massed produced clothing...since you really can't tell a Banana Republic white t-shirt from a Wal-Mart white t-shirt unless the names are written on the tag. So, the immediacy and accessibility the sewing machine originally intended has morphed into another divide, where wealthy people shop at Banana Republic and poor people buy their clothes at Wal-Mart (obviously a generalisation), and clothing has reverted to an immediate indicator of status.